Guidelines for choosing your mouth guard

Which Nightguard to choose

A soft guard is more comfortable, while a hard one is more durable. More severe grinders must opt for a hard guard or dual layer.

A dual layer is very popular because of the hybrid nature. It has a soft liner for comfort and a hard exterior for durability.

Upper or lower


Most people prefer an upper guard as it tend to be less obstructive. Any upper or lower single guard will be sufficient in protecting your teeth against grinding.

If you have a gag reflex it is better to choose a lower guard.

Choose the arch that you do not have braces or retainers on. Please note the retainer putty cannot be used on teeth with braces!

Loose teeth/dental health issues: It is recommended to wear a guard on the opposite arch (upper or lower).

Soft Mouth Guard


If you do not get severe headaches and just want to guard your teeth against grinding down, then this option is good enough. 

These are clear guards. A 2 mm hard guard can also be made for longer durability.

3 mm soft guard (see picture) will last a bit longer than a 2 mm, but the choice is yours towards comfort in the mouth.

Dual Layer


This option is for comfort and durability.

It is a 2 mm guard that has soft gum guard on the inside with a harder surface on the outside.

This option can be done for upper or lower.

Anterior guard with bite plane


This option is for people that get headaches from clenching their teeth at night. This is a small upper guard with a bite plane that prevents the back teeth touching. 

For this option we need an upper and lower impression. 

It is also a very comfortable option. 

Because the manufacturing takes longer it is an expensive option.

Orthodontic retainers


This is a thin hard material that keeps teeth in position after orthodontic treatment. 

Please select the upper or lower option or both. 

Parental supervision is needed when taking the impression and Xtradent does not take responsibility if the retention wire comes loose during the impression procedure.

Sports Guard with name


Please choose the colour on the chart supplied in your impression kit.  

Also supply the name that you want to reflect on your guard.

This option must also be done under supervision from a parent if aged under 18 and most importantly not to be done over braces. If braces are involved, please consult your dentist for the impressions.

This is only suitable for upper guards. The impression must have enough detail of the gum as well.