Please enter all your details below and submit the form. We will receive your order via email.

To confirm your order, please make payment into the following bank account, using your name and surname as reference.

Bank details:
Xtradent Dental Laboratory
FNB Cheque account: Universal bank code
Account no 62 585 385 597

Please note that each product will be accompanied by an Xtradent invoice with the relevant ICD 10 codes


    Single soft/hard layer 2 mm: R 1048.30Single soft layer 3 mm: R 1078.30Dual Layer Hybrid 2 mm: R 1317.60Orthodontic retainer 1 mm hard: R 822.90 for 1 retainer.Orthodontic retainer 1 mm hard: R 1307.90 for 2 retainersAnterior guard with bite plane: R 1593.90Sport Guard with name R 1233.302 x Single soft 2 mm R 1429.472 x single soft 3 mm R 1483.472 x Dual Layer Hybrid R 1951.832 x Anterior guards with bite plane R 2333.43

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