Very Important: Do not clean your guard with boiling water, it will warp the material. 

Daily cleaning of your mouth guard will help extend the life and ability to protect your teeth. 

The enclosed Corega tablets are a great cleaning agent. Do not use any alcohol-based solutions. 

Always rinse your guard with warm water as soon as you remove it from your mouth. 

Do not leave your guard within reach of any animals in the house. 

Lightly brush your guard with a normal toothbrush. DO NOT USE TOOTHPASTE 

Always let your guard dry completely. Do not store a wet guard inside a closed container. 

Deep clean your mouth guard at least once a week. Simply put the Corega tablet in a glass or container of warm water (not boiling water) and submerge your guard completely in the solution for about 3 to 5 minutes. 

Rinse and wash it thoroughly afterwards and allow to dry. Also clean your case regularly.
